The University I Want to Visit Most

The University that I would like to visit would be, The University of Manchester. As, not only the city “Manchester” is very bright and vibrant, The University of Manchester is also one of the top Universities in United Kingdom. Despite it being in a top rank, Foundation students can be accepted into The University of Manchester, which has led to the popularity among Bellerbys student. University of Manchester also has its own specialise Business School, which might be the main reason as to why I chose this University as my main choice. Manchester provides a lot of Business Streams majors which has given me a more variety of choices to choose


The University of Manchester also has reputation for education and innovation that resonates across the worlds, and collaborations with organisations and institutions worldwide in their research and teaching. Moreover, Manchester is open to International Students worldwide.

I had planned to visit this University last term break, but due to school works and transportation problems, the trip was cancelled. As going from Brighton to Manchester need hours of using train continued with a long bus journey.


Learning Journal Week 6

The foundation in Business consists of Economics, Accounting, CIT and English. We are currently studying Microeconomics for economics, Limited Company for Accounting, Microsoft Word for CIT and also process for English. However since our tests are approaching fast, our syllabus are to be finished soon and we might even learn two new modules in just 3 weeks’ time.7


All of the subjects are very different to each other but they are still very much needed in the Business Streams. Economics is more on theory and studying knowledge while Accounting focuses mainly on doing data and making accounts for different Accounting periods. However, both Accounting and CIT involves the plotting in of data from information into different documents and accounts, both also involve calculating and different types of formulas. English Skills might be the most different from the others as it involves learning or polishing our language that includes writing, reading and listening. Both Economics and Accounting involves a business whereas accounting calculates a business profit and loss while economics calculates its growth overall

What I Have learnt

I think what I have learned so far about myself is that I am not working hard enough to cope up with the knowledge the teacher gives every day, as at my previous school, the pace of teaching is much slower compare to here, since our foundation course is only 8 months long might be the main reason of the quick pace. Also to add it up, I have forgotten much more information that I have learnt in my previous year, that most of the time I only could remember the terms but not its definitions. Also since I had a 6 months break from school before coming here has certainly made me lazier to study. One positive thing is that I think I am able to quickly adjust to new environment as I find some of my friends still difficult to adjust living separately with their parents.

What I Find difficult

I find what I learn now in economics a little difficult as I find it very complicated to understand all these new terms. And also I find what I’m currently learning in Accounting difficult as we are bombarded with a lot of notes and new knowledge in a day. I am still trying my best to cope up and understand what I am told. Also the continuous tests and exercises certainly stress me out with almost every week of tests on 2 to 3 different subjects. The subjects we are currently learning might not be as much as the number in the following term as I think next term would be more hectic and stressful with more assignments and tests coming up.

As I have learnt accounting in my previous school, I have always thought Accounting is a very difficult subject as it was very complicatedly taught before, after coming here, the teacher was able to deliver the information in a very simple, easy and straightforward that make me consider Accounting is not as bad after all. Also since I have never learn about Economics before, I used to think economics is Math but with theories, economies is the study of the Country’s Finance and Growth, only to find out, economics is now one of my favorite subjects even though it might be quite difficult.

New Friends

Throughout this term, I knew a quite few of friends around the world mainly from Malaysia, Singapore and China. I was able to get to know our Tutor Group teacher who is very fun and has his own way of teaching also he would like us to play a song every Friday, each of us taking turns!9


Learning Journal Week 5

Even though there are very few of CIT classes per week, it is still by far my favorite subject among others. My main purpose for studying this course is to help understand how to plot in data and knowing how to maximize the use of Microsoft Excel that will help me a lot if I were to work as Accountant or streams alike. I have understood how to plot in data, coloring each rows to make the tables easier to understand, typing in formulas that without knowing helped me a lot. I enjoyed typing in formulas to one cell and dragging it down all the way to the bottom cell, where I don’t need to type to each cells overtime.

On the other hand, I still find it hard to familiarize myself with different formulas that I need to remember and also the way to fit all my works into one paper, as all of my friends are able to fit theirs with the zoom of 100% and that I couldn’t. Also I kept forgetting to save the document every 10-15 minutes until during the test last week; I almost lost my whole data due to the lag of my computer. I need to know more about different formulas to use as I still find in interesting to learn new formulas each meeting. I think they can help me a lot in the future. The teacher would always call us to look at the projector screen showing us the way step by steps making us easier to follow, and also, the teacher would lock all of our computers to make sure we are not doing other things when she is explaining the lessons.



Learning Journal Week 4

My reasons for studying English is to familiarize and understand more about English that could help me in later days in University. The similarities that I found in both general and academic English is that both uses compare and contrast in its writing which allows me to use what I learnt in either academic or general English on each other. I think general English might target the language we use for everyday life while academic English improve our English skills and broaden our knowledge towards it. I have enjoyed practicing how to compare and contrast with different partners in each lesson, and reading various texts on different topics in different reading papers. I still find it difficult not to use repetitive target language as it might get boring; also I still find it hard to remember to use all of them during practice sessions. I need to know how to write better compositions and deeper vocabularies that could increase or add marks during the Final Tests. I was taught by teacher speaking in front of the class showing us different presentations and also tons of copies or notes that I find very useful for the assessment that I just took a few week ago.


Learning Journal Week 3

Business foundation in Bellerbys consisted of 4 subjects which is Economics, English Skills, Accounting and CIT.

My purpose for studying foundation is to allow me to establish my basic for business that will be much needed when I enter University in the future. I think Economics might be one of the most important subjects from the other three. After learning 3 topics, what I understand most will be “Possibility Production Frontier” and on the other hand I find supply and demand very complicated and difficult, as there are very many factors that could affect them.

As currently we just started on a new lesson about Price elasticity, I would like to know more about it further. We are taught little by little by the teacher that allows me to understand better and also we would be given few notes every time our class ended. Also, continuous exercises about the topics have made me understand the topic more easily.



Learning Journal Week 2

After studying for a week in Bellerbys, I come to realize how different it is to study in UK and in Indonesia. The teachers in Bellerbys have always encouraged us students to engage in a conversation between teacher and students. Most of the times, the teacher would make sure we understand and we are keeping along with their teachings.  Teachers would also ask questions to have interaction with students.

DSC_9014Also, teachers would give a reasonable amount of assignments for students to finish either by the following day after the next day or by the end of the week. Not only that, students can be friendly outside the class room as if teachers are like their friends talking and laughing happily. Also, the class sizes here are kept very small allowing teachers to give more attention to the students. The school I used to attend back in Indonesia is very similar to Bellerbys, but the school where I did my pre-schools is very much different. Unlike in the UK, the national schools [1]in Indonesia used to have an autocratic teaching style. Teachers would just write a lot of notes at the board and students would just copy what they wrote into their notebooks. The interaction between teachers and students is much lesser seeing how each class has around 60 plus students. Also there is always an assignment every day that needs to be collected the next day.

Since the students themselves are already very busy with their works, also seeing how the teachers have a very packed schedule, there is a very limited time for teachers and students to even meet. I think it would be much better if my school back in Indonesia would give lesser assignments and pressure to students, also I think by making the class size small will make the students understand what they are learning better and make them more convenient to ask questions that they don’t understand.



[1] National Schools majority are operated by the government. Most Private Schools do not use this teaching style.

Week 1 Learning Journal

Seeing how this is my first time visiting UK, I have no idea how the country UK would look like in real life. As soon as I arrive at London airport, I was greeted by a slap from the strong winds and the cold weather. But on my way to the hotel, I got the chance to witness the beauty and art of the buildings in London. From how all buildings are around the same height to how they look very similar to each other. The buildings in each section are very alike giving theme to every road they are in.

After enjoying few interesting days in London, I finally went to Brighton. The first thing I realise was how colder here in Brighton compare with the temperature in London. Also buildings in Brighton are very colourful and whats better, it has a lot of beautiful vintage shops which I can use for my background in every of my photos.

Studying foundation in Brighton must have meant I have decided which stream of studies I will take in University. Without realising, University entries are approaching fast, I am still considering which Business Major I will be taking so that it could help me be a successful entrepreneur in the future.

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